Mongi Dhaouadi

Mongi Dhaouadi currently serves as the Executive Director of the Libyan American Alliance (LAA) and is Founder and President of the Tunisian United Network (TUN) – two organizations that are leading voices for democracy, human rights, and good governance in Libya and Tunisia respectively.
Dhaouadi has over 30 years of experience in designing and managing advocacy and community development and engagement initiatives across the United States and the Middle East. Previously, he served as the Executive Director for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Connecticut where he conducted civil rights workshops on Knowing Your Rights, Islamophobia, and the Muslim experience pre- and post-9/11. And for four years, Dhaouadi oversaw the advocacy campaign focused on advancing freedom, democracy, and good governance in the MENA region, with a special focus on Tunisia, as the Senior Program Officer for the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID). He has participated in and led several media campaigns and press conferences on key issues concerning the Muslim community ranging from discrimination cases to advocating for the change of racial profiling laws in the state of Connecticut. Now, Dhaouadi is interested in developing new dimensions to community and diaspora engagement and influence on foreign policy and human rights.
Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia and moved to the United States at 19 years old to study Electrical Engineering.